Rethinking Modern European Intellectual History Oxford University Press, 2013
edited with Samuel Moyn
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Selected Comments
“At the crossroads of many disciplines, intellectual history has emerged as a vital stimulus to the humanities as a whole. Shedding the residues of cultural condescension, European intellectual history in particular has come to be an endlessly renewable resource for creative thinking across the globe. As this lively volume amply demonstrates, it has a bright future in the hands of a new generation of gifted practitioners.” —Martin Jay, University of California, Berkeley
“Over thirty years have passed since the last major attempt to reassess the field of modern European intellectual history. In light of the seeming eclipse of some orientations (such as Marxism), the reformulation of others (such as psychoanalysis), and the newer turns in the field (from the linguistic to the postsecular and the global), the time is certainly ripe for a new assessment. This volume will hold a key place in further efforts to ‘rethink’ the field both as a collection of significant contributions and as a focal point for constructive, critical debate.” —Dominick LaCapra, Cornell University